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Rules of operation of the Student Service Center


The Student Service Center of the Central Asian Technical and Economic College is an informative and resource center that provides organizational and technical support to students on academic and organizational processes, as well as provides advice on all issues of students of the college.

The main principles of the Central Asian Technical and Economic College DSP activities are aimed at student orientation, confidentiality of the information received, cooperation based on trust, objectivity in solving issues, and prompt provision of information.

1. General provisions

1. These Rules of Operation of the student service center (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with subparagraph 2) of Article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 "On Public Services" (hereinafter referred to as the Law) and determine the procedure for the operation of the student service center (hereinafter referred to as the Center), as well as the procedure for accepting applications, ensuring timely transmission and acceptance of applications (documents) to authorized bodies, issuing documents at the Center.

2. The Center carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution, laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory legal acts, the charter, as well as these Rules, standards for the provision of public services.

3. The Center provides public services to individuals and (or) legal entities on the principle of "one window" for receiving applications and issuing documents, in accordance with the Law. When providing public services, the Center can receive information from information systems, in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on informatization.

4. The Center provides public services on the basis of the following principles in accordance with Article 3 of the Law:

  • equal access to service recipients without any discrimination on the grounds of origin, social, official and property status, gender, race, nationality, language, attitude to religion, beliefs, place of residence or any other circumstances;
  • the inadmissibility of manifestations of bureaucracy and red tape in the provision of public services;
  • accountability and transparency in the provision of public services; quality and accessibility of public services;
  • continuous improvement of the process of providing public services;
  • cost-effectiveness and efficiency in the provision of public services.

5. The structure and staffing of the Center is approved by the Director of the College.

2. The procedure of the Center's activities

6. The Center shall establish a five-day and six-day working week in accordance with the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

With a five-day and six-day working week, the duration of daily work can not exceed 8 hours with a weekly norm of 40 hours.

7. The workplaces of the Center's employees are connected to the local computer network of the Center.

8. The Center provides applicants with reference information on the services provided, familiarization with the standards of public services developed in the state and Russian languages.

The main tasks of the Center are:

1) ensuring timely and high-quality provision of public services to individuals and (or) legal entities;

2) creating conditions for the elimination of manifestations of corruption offenses, red tape, red tape and other administrative barriers in the provision of public services to individuals and (or) legal entities;

3) providing information assistance to individuals and (or) legal entities on the services provided through the Center.

Activities of the Center:

  • Acceptance of student applications for transfers, reinstatements, deductions, and other academic and organizational matters;
  • Accepting applications for various certificates;
  • Timely informing students on organizational and educational issues, according to the schedule and academic calendar of the educational process;
  • Providing advisory services in the field of personal and professional development;
  • Organization of practical training, assistance in finding employment for practical training and after graduation;
  • Information support, as well as informing students about changes and innovations in the college;
  • Ensuring the safety and confidentiality of the information received.

3. The procedure for accepting applications at the Center

9. The applicant, who has applied to the Center, fills in the application form on paper, indicating the name of the service that he needs to receive.

For the provision of high-quality advisory services, students can contact the Student Service Center (Central Asian Technical and Economic College, 2nd floor).