The library plays a leading role in providing the educational process with educational literature in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in all areas of professional training of students in the college.
In order to automate library processes and improve information services for users, the library automation system "KABIS" was introduced in 2010.
The college library is located in a separate building with an area of 202.6 sq. m., equipped with 16 computers with Internet access.
The library provides differentiated services to readers on a subscription combined with a reading room. The library's reading rooms are equipped with computers for users who can use Internet resources and an electronic library in their work. Since 2020, the college library has been operating under the College SmartNation platform. Our students and teachers get access to e-books, which they can use at any time in the open access and free editions are available for reading.
The platform is very easy to use for educators and college students.
As a structural division of the college, the library is a center for the dissemination of knowledge, spiritual and intellectual communication. Therefore, serious attention in the library is paid to events for students and teachers, forms of group and mass work. The library staff organizes thematic events, literary meetings, conversations, and organizes numerous book exhibitions dedicated to significant and memorable dates.
The main fund of the library has 72,657 storage units. In the state language – 12,035 copies. Recruitment is carried out taking into account the requests of teachers through publishing and bookselling companies: "Mektep LLP", "Folio", "Arman PV", "Erudite", etc.
A subscription to periodicals is issued annually.
The library's reference and bibliographic apparatus is represented by catalogues, card files, reference book collections, and bibliographic publications.
Teachers are regularly informed about the receipts of new literature, as well as specialized magazines, through the design of exhibitions of new receipts, as well as individual conversations.
To ensure the educational and research activities of students and teachers, the library provides access to electronic resources:, etc. On the platform of these libraries, access is provided by remote access to Russian and foreign full-text resources.
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The library provides the following services:
Our contacts:
Head of the library: Esbolova Ardagul Temirgalievna
Tel.: 8-777 224 78 59 tel. +7 (727) 3393-52-38
Librarian: Kurmanbayeva Ainagul Izbasarovna
Operating mode:
Monday-Friday 09.00 -18.00, break 13.00 -14.00
Saturday, Sunday-day off
Note: the last Friday of the month is a sanitary day.
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